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About Us

India is, and has been a land of seers since the beginning of history. Satguru Mahatma Mangat Ram stands in this great tradition connecting the past with our present, and with the future of mankind. He was the most profound exponent of “Samta” or oneness. His teachings are the quintessence of Samta. He taught nothing that he did not practise, and practise to perfection. It is only in the family of chosen ones that a man of God is born. Blessed also is the land where such an event takes place. Shri Mangat Ram Ji incarnated in a pious family in village Gangothian Brahmana, Tehsil Kahoota in Rawalpindi district (Pakistan) on Tuesday, 24th November 1903. Even as a child of about 3 years, Satguru Mangat Ram ji would get up in the middle of the night and start meditating for hours, well past into midnight. He was admitted to school at the age of five. By the age of eight years, Satguru started leaving home at midnight. He used to go to a deep ravine near the village and sit in contemplation on a stone by the river. It was no ordinary feat for a child to leave the comfort of home for hard penance at a desolate place. He was good at studies and was personally offered a scholarship by the headmaster to complete his studies right upto post-graduation. He, however, consciously renounced formal education at this point of his life. This seemed to him to be too self-centered. As he said later, his sole aim was the divine knowledge itself explained with a view to benefit the ignorant of the world. His food intake right from the beginning was very meagre, during last 14 years of his life he sustained himself on a mere glass of tea in a day. This is nothing less than a miracle in itself. He took up a job at the behest of his mother but gave it up when she died. He remained in service of his mother till her death in March 1928 and felt relieved thereafter from his final domestic responsibilities. He remained a bachelor and a true ‘brahmchari’ throughout his life and led an ascetic life of intense unremitting contemplation. He was an embodiment of simplicity, humility & intellectual excellence. The word ‘Samtavad’ literally means ‘to speak about the Changeless or the Sameness.’ As a philosophy, Samtavad shows the path to Eternal Peace by following certain principles to get over the turbulent state of mind. According to Samtavad, the root cause of unhappiness and restlessness lies in the never ending desires for pleasure of senses and the mind . Generally, most of the desires of human beings remain unfulfilled and this causes disappointment and unhappiness. Even where certain desires are attained, a passing satisfaction may be achieved but further desires soon follow and this cycle continues to bring dismay and disillusionment. Satguru has elaborately discussed these issues in his discourses and holy granths and has asserted that these limitations can be overcome by following the path of Samta. Supreme peace comes from achieving oneness with the Supreme being by practising the tenets of Samta. He [God] being the core and life of the whole universe, eternal peace can only be attained by realizing Him. So, freedom from the cycle of birth and death and a state of equanimity even in the midst of duality and desires can only be gained by merging with the Supreme Self. All creation, indeed, is His manifestation and all religious and holy books proclaim His glory. Verily, verily teachings of Samta beacon all to follow the path led by the Great Master (Satguru) and be at perpetual peace with the Supreme Divinity.